James 2:14: What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him?
James 2:17-24: Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. But someone will say, “You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works. You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble! But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead? Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered Isaac his son on the altar? Do you see that faith was working together with his works, and by works faith was made perfect? And the Scripture was fulfilled which says, “Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.” And he was called the friend of God. You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only.
Have you noticed the one thing most wealthy people talk about whenever they tell their story? They all talk about the importance of hard work, how they made sacrifices in areas of their lives, and put in the work to get to where they are today.
As Christians, we must adopt this principle in addition with our faith. Just like the story of Abraham in the bible, when God required him to sacrifice his long awaited promise - Isaac. Abraham implemented both faith and action by believing that since God gave him Isaac, He can always give him another child, and then actually taking the step to obey God's instruction to sacrifice Isaac. This is an example of what we are required to do as Christians. Take immediate steps when He asks us to. That shows we are fully submitted to His will.
Why are our actions important?
Because apart from blessing us, God is more interested in preparing the vessel(you) for the blessing. The reasons why He wants to prepare us first are:
(a) so that we are able to sustain the blessing and the responsibilities that come with it; and
(b) so that we become a vehicle for someone else's blessing.
Also, when we put in the work, we tend to value the blessing more. So whatever your situation may be, how bad do you want the miracle you are asking God for?
how bad do you want the job?
how bad do you want the financial breakthrough?
how bad do you want your spouse?
how bad do you want to have children?
how bad do you want the business?
how bad do you want the house?
If you want it that bad, then you must be willing to do the work. God will not hand over something to you when He knows you are not prepared to handle it. So while we pray, and wait, we must also prepare ourselves for the miracle.
An example, you may have to let go of some habits, friends, or even your lifestyle. Whatever it is that may hinder your growth, you must let go. Just like the bible tells us that if our right hand will lead us to sin, we must cut it. Therefore, our habits and friends are no exceptions.
It could even be as simple as staying off social media. Which is what I did, I had to go off social media when I started praying for healing and purpose. And when I logged back in, I had to unfollow people that did not align with my journey. Not because they are bad, but I needed to be conscious of what I was feeding my mind.
Maybe yours could be joining a small group or volunteering with kids, or single mothers/ fathers if you are lonely. Whatever it is, work needs to be done to keep yourself accountable and to take authority over your breakthrough.
If you are insecure about yourself, get scriptures about overcoming insecurities, and declare them over yourself every morning, afternoon, and night for 21 days. Whatever area it may be, get scriptures about it and mediate!
Today, I pray that we seek God with all our hearts as bad as we want to see changes in our lives. I pray for the grace to wait patiently for our breakthrough and I pray for God's strengthen upon you to carry your cross. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Salvation Prayer: If you stumbled on this blog and you do not know this "God" I write about, but you feel a leading in your spirit to know more. Well, Welcome! God loves you and has led you here for a reason. If you desire to build a relationship with Him, the first step is to say this prayer below:
Lord Jesus, I come today as a sinner.
I know that I have turned away from You several times.
Today, I confess and repent of all my sins,
I believe You died for me and rose again,
I ask that Your precious Blood purify my life.
I ask that You change me, renew me and lead me.
Become my Lord and personal Savior.
Now, I am yours and I am Born Again.
Thank you Lord for saving me. Amen.
Congratulations, the Bible tells us that every time someone gives their life to God, there is a celebration in heaven over that person, you are loved and celebrated at this moment and forever. Amen!
Next steps: I urge you to find a church to join, you may also reach out via the Contact section if you have any questions, we would love to help you with your walk with Christ. God loves you!