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  • Ms. A

Love yourself

Updated: Jan 26, 2023

Ephesians 5:29 For no one has ever hated his own body, but he nourishes and tenderly cares for it, as the Messiah does the church.

Mark 12:31 The second is equally important: Love your neighbor as yourself. No other commandment is greater than these.

1 John 4:19 We love because God first loved us.

The Bible tells us to love our neighbors as ourselves, which means that to love our neighbors, we must first love ourselves.

There are different ways we can practice loving ourselves. It could be taking care of ourselves, feeding our body and mind, and seeking God's Wisdom.

As Christians, we cannot be spiritually efficient and physically deficient, and we must invest in our physical as much as our spirit. So, as much as we pray and fast, we must also take care of our earthly vessel (body).

We must be mindful of what we feed our bodies and minds and how well we take care of our bodies.

As we set our 2023 goals, let us remember to be kind to ourselves. We must choose things that build and sustain our bodies and let go of things that dry our bones. We must decide to make our health and self-care a priority. Because no matter the anointing over our lives, we can only go as far as our earthly vessel can take us.

Recently, I went for a checkup at the hospital. I recall a patient listing many symptoms to the doctor, and the doctor's reply to the patient was, "be kind to yourself." The patient looked puzzled after hearing this. The doctor further stated that most of the symptoms the patient was experiencing could be resolved if the patient was kind enough to prioritize their health and well-being. He recommended daily exercise, healthy meals, water, and rest. But sadly, in today's world, these things have become cliches.

In essence, we must become self-aware and examine our lives. Sometimes we can avoid some prayer points by being diligent. God has given us a brain to think and has provided resources all around us. How well are we utilizing these resources to improve our lives? Everything we need for this stage of our lives has already been placed in our hands. So, what is in your hand? and how can you utilize it for your well-being? This doesn't mean we do not need God's wisdom to direct us, but as we pray for wisdom, we must also take practical steps to sustain our earthly vessel.

I pray for God's strength, diligence, and wisdom to sustain our bodies as we begin 2023, In Jesus Name, Amen.

Salvation Prayer: If you stumbled on this blog and you do not know this "God" I write about, but you feel a leading in your spirit to learn more. Well, Welcome! God loves you and has led you here for a reason. If you desire to build a relationship with Him, the first step is to say this prayer below:

Lord Jesus, I come today as a sinner.
 I know that I have turned away from You several times.
 Today, I confess and repent of all my sins, 
 I believe You died for me and rose again,			
 I ask that Your precious Blood purify my life.
 I ask that You change me, renew me and lead me. 
	Become my Lord and personal Savior.
 Now, I am yours and I am Born Again.
 Thank you Lord for saving me. Amen.

Congratulations, the Bible tells us that every time someone gives their life to God, there is a celebration in heaven over that person; you are loved and celebrated at this moment and forever. Amen!

Next steps: I urge you to find a church to join; you may also reach out via the Contact section if you have any questions. We would love to help you with your walk with Christ. God loves you!

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