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The Ultimate Prize

Ms. A

Updated: Feb 28, 2023

Matthew 6:33: "But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all other things shall be added unto you". 

As we mature in our walk with God. We begin to realize that our relationship with God is the ultimate prize. Our God is the ultimate prize, and nothing can top Him. God is our source, protector, provider, and our Father. When I think about the magnitude of God's love for us, I remember His act of offering His only son to die for our sins. I also remember when Jesus Christ cried out to His father in anticipation of the pain He would experience for our sins. I begin to picture the pain He suffered on the cross. And in all of this, I am convinced that there is indeed no greater love than God's love for His people. And I am in awe of this.

In building our relationship with God, we must be conscious about placing an idol before Him. Yes, because our God is a jealous God. This makes sense because I would also be jealous if someone I want to spend time with is constantly distracted. There is a place for jealousy in love, as long as it does not lead to manipulation or control. And our relationship with God is an example. Although He wants us to spend time with Him, He lovingly draws us in and waits for us to return to Him whenever we drift away. Our God doesn't force us. He is a gentle God. And although He longs to spend time with us, He draws us in with love because He cares deeply for us.

We cannot base our relationship with God on what we can gain from Him. That faulty foundation would always result in us performing religious activities. Instead, our relationship with God should be based on genuine love and reverence. We have to desire to know more about God, be willing to spend time with Him, and strive to keep His commandments while serving Him. And we can only do that through His son Jesus Christ. In John 14:6: Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." If you are unsure how to seek God, ask the Holy Spirit that dwells in you for direction and wisdom.

As we begin to spend time with God, He begins to speak to us. God loves us, and He truly wants to talk to us.

I pray that we will all strongly desire to build our relationship with God and lay down all other idols. I also pray that we will accept God's love for us. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Salvation Prayer: If you stumbled on this blog and you do not know this "God" I write about, but you feel a leading in your spirit to learn more. Well, Welcome! God loves you and has led you here for a reason. If you desire to build a relationship with Him, the first step is to say this prayer below:

Lord Jesus, I come today as a sinner.
 I know that I have turned away from You several times.
 Today, I confess and repent of all my sins, 
 I believe You died for me and rose again,			
 I ask that Your precious Blood purify my life.
 I ask that You change me, renew me and lead me. 
	Become my Lord and personal Savior.
 Now, I am yours and I am Born Again.
 Thank you Lord for saving me. Amen.

Congratulations, the Bible tells us that every time someone gives their life to God, there is a celebration in heaven over that person; you are loved and celebrated at this moment and forever. Amen!

Next steps: I urge you to find a church to join; you may also reach out via the Contact section if you have any questions. We would love to help you with your walk with Christ. God loves you!

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