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  • Ms. A

Your Testimony

Mark 5:19: "And he did not permit him but said to him, Go home to your friends and tell them how much the Lord has done for you and how He had mercy on you''. 

Testimony means a public recounting of an experience or evidence that proves the existence or appearance of something. Simply put, it is the proof of something prayed for that is shared with others.

The two defining factors of the word testimony are:

  1. it is the evidence or outcome of something.

  2. It is usually shared with someone else.

As believers, we are always encouraged to share our testimonies. We often forget what God rescued us from and how desperate we were when we needed that blessing/miracle we are presenting living in. You know that "but God" situation in your life. Did you remember to share the testimony with someone else?

Why is it important to share our testimony?

Sharing our testimony is one of the best ways to share God's love with others and our encounter on waiting on God for the blessing/miracle. When we share our story leading up to how God showed up for us, we ignite the faith in the next person. We give them the strength to keep pressing in. Sharing our testimony with unbelievers is also a way to plant the seed of the Almightiness of God in their hearts. Since we are God's vehicle here on earth, we should confidently speak to everyone about His goodness. We should be confident enough to boast about our God, just like the passage in 2 Timothy 1:8 says: "Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord nor of me his prisoner, but share in suffering for the gospel by the power of God. We must be willing to speak boldly about what God has done and is doing in our lives.

In Isaiah 55:11: "the words we share will accomplish that which the Lord has purposed, and it shall succeed in the things which He sent it for". Our testimony can also be used as a weapon to invoke our blessings. When we speak in faith about what we trust in God for and declare it without doubt, it becomes a faith declaration.

Matthew 10:32 says: "the blessings that God bestows to those who acknowledge Him, He said so everyone who acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge before my father who is in heaven".."Again, this goes to show the power of our testimonies. When we honor God, He uplifts us.

Part of the reason God rescued us is for us to be an instrument for His glory. We are the light, and our testimony should portray the mercy of God spread throughout the world. We must not have a public audience to share our testimony. If we look around us, we will see opportunities to speak about the awesomeness of God in our lives. Take the opportunity to boast about your God, brag about His unfailing love for His people. Some of us know people in our lives that are struggling, so we should take the opportunity to remind them of God's love through our testimony. Also, focus on more than just the blessing while telling your testimony. Instead, make it relatable by talking about the challenges and struggles you experienced while waiting on the blessing. Talk about when your faith was low, when you almost gave up, and how you could keep pressing in.

Another reason is to prevent the devil from stealing your testimony. I was always curious about how the devil could steal our testimony. How can the devil steal that blessing if God has already blessed you? I am reminded that the bible tells us that the devil came to steal, kill and destroy. We must remember that whatever God does in our lives requires us to come in partnership (agreement) with Him. So when the devil uses this opportunity to plant doubt and fear in your minds to steal what God has given us.

Today, I pray that God will minister to our hearts and remind us of the testimonies we are holding onto. I also pray for the spirit of obedience to declare God's goodness to others.

Salvation Prayer: If you stumbled on this blog and you do not know this "God" I write about, but you feel a leading in your spirit to learn more. Well, Welcome! God loves you and has led you here for a reason. If you desire to build a relationship with Him, the first step is to say this prayer below:

Lord Jesus, I come today as a sinner.
 I know that I have turned away from You several times.
 Today, I confess and repent of all my sins, 
 I believe You died for me and rose again,			
 I ask that Your precious Blood purify my life.
 I ask that You change me, renew me and lead me. 
	Become my Lord and personal Savior.
 Now, I am yours and I am Born Again.
 Thank you Lord for saving me. Amen.

Congratulations, the Bible tells us that every time someone gives their life to God, there is a celebration in heaven over that person; you are loved and celebrated at this moment and forever. Amen!

Next steps: I urge you to find a church to join; you may also reach out via the Contact section if you have any questions. We would love to help you with your walk with Christ. God loves you!

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